Nutritionally appropriate diets are available according to the physician's order on the client's application. The meals are prepared under the supervision of the dietitians at Deaconess Hospital and Ascension St. Vincent Hospital.
A nutritionally balanced hot meal is delivered over the noon hour, five days a week, by Meals on Wheels volunteers in vehicles that are owned by Meals on Wheels and marked appropriately. No deliveries are made on weekends, holidays or days when inclement weather makes driving conditions hazardous for our volunteers.
There is a weekly fee assessed to the client, which covers the cost of the meals. Call the Meals on Wheels office at 476-6521 for details or print out our Client Application, complete including physician's signature, and mail or fax 812-962-5525 to the Meals on Wheels office.
© 2023 Meals on Wheels of Evansville, Inc. Phone:(812) 476-6521 Fax:(812) 962-5525 Contact: